Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Women's Day and other fun times

We had International Women's Day on Sunday. It basically consisted of the women having their own parade, wear all the same fabric and then a big party all day. Unfortunately the whole thing was directed by men, not women, but we'll let that slide this year.

As we marched down the main street we sang a song a clapped in rhythm.

And then we danced.

I got my hair braided, left it for a couple of days and then took it out, this is the result.

This is a little hike I went on early one morning.

And this is why I get mad props in my village now. "Oh yeah Massaba went all the way to the woods to collect firewood, and then carried it on her head!" Yes, yes I did.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I adore your fuzzy hair.

There's a that's-what-she-said joke happening somewhere RIGHT NOW about wood on your head... hehehe...